Submission Categories |
NordiCHI 2002 invites submissions and suggestions in several categories, described in detail below. Accepted submissions will be included in the printed conference proceedings and the ACM digital library to ensure optimal distribution of the accepted papers. The submission categories are:
Short papers, demonstrations and aesthetic artefacts may be submitted by August 1, 2002. Please note that late submissions should be camera ready, and that notification of acceptance will not be given before the deadline for early registration. Short papersShort papers may address any of the areas identified in the conference topics. Submissions should report original work which has not been published previously. Authors are encouraged to demonstrate work in progress and late-breaking research results that show the latest innovative ideas. Full literature searches are not expected, although relevant citations should be included. Summaries of wider findings or reduced где погулять в пятигорске versions of longer papers are not suitable for the short paper submission category. A short paper is an ideal format for conveying industrial and practical experience to the community. Accordingly, we invite experiences from specific design cases, reports on how specific methods are applied and modified in practice, etc. We also invite presentation of ongoing work and preliminary results, by experienced academics as well as young researchers. Short papers are presented by means of interactive posters during the conference. NordiCHI 2002's emphasis on direct interaction and networking makes this the general presentations format for design processes, products and other experiences, organisational overviews, and late breaking results. Within this basic form, we encourage experimentation e.g. posters evolving as the audience interact with them. All submissions will be reviewed by an international panel of HCI experts. Submissions must be complete. Short papers may be up to 4 pages formatted according to the ACM template (as available at Submission should be made electronically in PDF format through the web-site. Please direct questions regarding short papers to Electronic submission deadline for short papers: August 1, 2002. In the first round of short paper submissions (deadline april 2), 13 of 24 were accepted. DemosDemonstrations gives participants the possibility of showing and viewing new, interesting, and novel ideas in human-computer interaction concepts and technology. Submitters of papers presenting interactive artefacts are particularly encouraged to also submit a demonstration proposal. We also encourage the presentation of novel commercial products. A demonstration proposal is composed of three parts
The short paper and the exhibition plan should be submitted via the conference web site, whereas the (optional) video/CD/DVD should be submitted by ordinary mail in two copies. Submissions will be reviewed by the programme committee. Please observe that the presenters must supply all equipment necessary for the exhibition. Limited Internet access will be available. The working system will be presented during the demo session at the conference and the short description of the interactive artefact will be published in the conference proceedings. Please direct questions regarding demonstrations to Submission deadline for demonstrations: August 1, 2002. Aesthetic artefactsNordiCHI 2002 introduces "aesthetic artefacts" as a new submission category for experiments into how artistic expression and praxis affect perspectives on interfaces, contexts and design. The computer interface has developed from merely supporting work into a broader cultural interface competing with and even replacing the book, the gallery wall, the cinema screen, etc. Traditional functionalism fails in relation to many new applications. At the same time, traditional application areas may benefit from the inspiration from how digital forms are articulated in artistic expression. Accordingly, digital arts challenge the way we understand the computer, and the relation between form and contents at the interface. Examples of possible artefacts are (not limited to) interactive artworks, computer games, interactive installations, netart, software art, artistic interfaces, aesthetic experiments with HCI-related issues. An important part of an aesthetic artefact submission is a short paper that thoroughly reflects on CHI related issues affected by the artefact. Accepted aesthetic artefacts will be exhibited at the conference in conjunction with the demo session. An aesthetic artefact submission is composed of three parts
The short paper and the exhibition plan should be submitted via the conference web site, whereas the (optional) video/CD/DVD should be submitted by ordinary mail in three copies. Submissions will be reviewed by the programme committee supplemented by an aesthetic artefacts special committee of artists and aesthetics scholars. Aesthetic criteria as well as an assessment of contribution to the ongoing understanding of human-computer interaction are taken into account. Please observe that the presenters must supply all equipment necessary for the exhibition. Limited Internet accesses will be available. Please direct questions regarding aesthetic artefacts to Electronic submission deadline for aesthetic artefacts: August 1, 2002. PapersNordiCHI 2002 invites innovative and exploratory papers meeting the highest international standards. We welcome papers attempting to move the field forward, promoting new techniques, methods, tools and theories. NordiCHI aims to be multidisciplinary, combining and truly integrating the social, the technical, the aesthetic, etc. Papers describing original work on HCI related topics are solicited. Papers should make clear the novel aspects of the work they present and their contribution to the development of the theory and practice of the field(s). Empirical studies of work should stress their relevance to design. Applications papers should stress their contribution to concepts and theories in HCI. Papers addressing novel techniques and technologies should clearly identify the relevance and importance to HCI. Full papers report original work, which has not been previously published. The contribution should be made clear in the paper and in its abstract. Papers making one clear, significant contribution are more likely to be accepted than papers making several lesser contributions. The paper must identify and cite published work relevant to the paper topic. It should explain how the presented work has built on previous contributions, and should indicate where and why novel approaches have been adopted. NordiCHI 2002 is an international conference and contributions are welcomed from all parts of the world. However, the official written and spoken language of the conference is English. All submissions will be reviewed by an international panel of HCI experts. Submissions must be complete. Papers may be up to 10 pages formatted according to the ACM template (as available at Submission should be made electronically in PDF format through the web-site. Submission was Closed April 2, 2002. Of 86 submitted full papers 21 were accepted by the programme committee at their meeting May 31 and June 1. WorkshopsWorkshops offer an informal environment for focused group discussion around work in progress or new areas of research and practice. NordiCHI 2002 invites workshop proposals in old and new topics related to HCI. If you are interested in organising a full or half-day workshop, please email a short proposal (up to 1000 words) to The proposal should detail:
For further information, please contact the workshops chair Deadline for workshop proposals was Closed April 2, 2002. Nine workshops have been accepted for the workshop programme. Deadline for submission of workshop position statements is August 20, 2002. TutorialsTutorials offer a small number of participants the opportunity to learn about specific concepts, methods and techniques from recognised experts. Tutorials may be for half-day or full day sessions. NordiCHI 2002 invites tutorials experimenting with new forms of instruction, innovative perspectives and the use of new disciplines in a HCI context. Proposals for full or half-day tutorials should detail
In general, NordiCHI 2002 will cover reasonable travel and housing expenses and registration fee one instructor per tutorial; provided that enough participants sign up. Tutorial proposals should be emailed to Deadline for tutorial proposalswas Closed April 2, 2002. Five tutorials have been accepted for the tutorial programme. |