Saturday 19/10 - (IT-Parken, Åbogade 34, Århus N.)
9:00-18:00 |
Tutorial 1: Usability
design - integrating user-centred systems design in the
software development
process |
14:00-18:00 |
Tutorial 2: Introduction
to Interaction Design |
9:00-18:00 |
Workshop 2: Procuring
usable systems: Key issues for systems development |
9:00-18:00 |
Workshop 3: Bridging
the gap between field studies and design |
9:00-13:00 |
Workshop 4: Human-computer
interaction and e-learning |
14:00-18:00 |
Workshop 5: Student-centred
HCI teaching |
Sunday 20/10 - (IT-Parken)
9:00-18:00 |
Tutorial 3: Structuring
the User Interface Design Process - Bridging the gap between contextual
information and the final user interface |
9:00-18:00 |
Tutorial 4: A Cognitive
Approach to Interactive System Design |
9:00-13:00 |
Tutorial 5: Designing
Highly Usable Wireless Services for the Next Generation экскурсия в большой театр Devices
and Networks |
9:00-18:00 |
Workshop 8: Defining
quantitative usability requirements |
9:00-18:00 |
Doctoral Colloquium |
14:00-18:00 |
Exhibition at
the Centre for Pervasive Computing and the Alexandra Institute. |
18.00-21.00 |
Informal get together
and reception sponsored by the Centre for Pervasive Computing
and the Alexandra
Institute. |
Monday 21/10 - (Kongreshuset, Amailegade 23, Århus C.)
Tuesday 22/10 - (Kongreshuset)
Wednesday 23/10 - (Kongreshuset)