www.nordichi.org NordiCHI is a biennial conference functioning as the main Nordic forum for human-computer interaction research. NordiCHI is the meeting place for researchers from academia and industry, designers, practitioners, educators and others from a broad range of traditions and communities; therefore the conference takes HCI in the non-limited sense of research and practice addressing the design and use of interactive technology. The NordiCHI conference is a joint effort initiated by Nordic HCI organisations. Latest NewsNordiCHI 2010 is in progress. Highlights include 300 delegates soaking in the Blue lagoon. Online proceedings: about | bodil | categories | committees | contact | dates | demo art | 2002 | fullpapers | host2008call | nordichi2002 FA | programme | shortpapers | sunday exhibit | turkka | 2006 | 2010 | 2004 | 2002about | 2004 | 2008 |
Last update: 20. October, 2010 by webmaster@www.nordichi.org |